Sunday, August 31, 2014

Mark Antony meets Augustus's Army

        This scene from "Cleopatra" is after Antony wakes up at his camp to find that his entire army has deserted, and that Augustus Caesar and his army is coming to meet him. I would say that the shot is an establishing/wide shot showing Augustus's army and how vast it is as the cavalry stretches back far behind in the distance and even going off screen. I would also say that this shot uses the 3-level technique (as was used in "Cabiria") because the viewer focus's on the front row of the cavalry then the second row behind on the hill and lastly, the last row of cavalry far off in the distance. The angle used for the scene would bird's eye view. It's bird's eye view because one can see the whole army stretching into the distance but at the same time the front row of the cavalry is the main focus. Looking at this from Antony's level, which would be eye level, the horses would be leering over you making one feel vulnerable and scared. The colors for this shot are bright and the horses used are mainly dark in order to contrast against the light colored sand. The sky has an ombre effect going on, where the edges of the sky are dark becoming light as it gets closer to the army's/ horses on the hill as if they are drawing the viewers attention to them to give them the impression that Caesar's army is big, powerful and strong. 


  1. One piece of mise-en-scene I also noticed, was how the front row of cavalry appears to be curved as to draw attention to the middle of the row. I really like the notice on the three-plane technique, that was a very good observation. I didn't notice that the first time I looked.

  2. You brought up a lot of good ideas here, a lot of which I missed or didn't notice as well as the first time I saw it. This scene really does show how powerful Caeser's Army was, wow!

  3. I'm impressed as well, Mona, that you drew a connection between this shot and Pastrone's use of the three planes in "Cabiria". It's a clever way to make Octavian's army appear even bigger than it actually is, with the last rows stretching far into the distance. What a way to save the expenses for a few thousand extras!
